2023-11-10 Cedar Grove, Beersheba Springs all

2023-11-10 Cedar Grove, Beersheba Springs all

21-04-17 Taylor and Garett, Delaney and Noah prom

21-04-17 Taylor and Garett, Delaney and Noah prom

2020-07-11 Garett & Taylor Prom 2020

2015-12-12 Christmas pageant

2020-06-19 Forrest High School Graduation

2020-09-13 Mitchell and Christina wedding photos

2019-07-20 Staci Kmetz

2018-09-29 class of '73 reunion 40th

2018-07-29 Community High School Class of '73 45th reunion

2018-07-29 Cedar Grove, music Sunday, Blessing of the backpacks

2018-06-12 Friends of Steve Thurman

2018-05-04 Miss Chapel Hill

2018-05-04 Miss Chapel Hill

2018-05-04 Teen Miss Chapel Hill


Project 14 photos

2017-10-28 Clift and Kelly's halloween party

2017-10-20 for Jenny

2017-05-12 Teen Miss and Miss Chapel Hill

2017-04-22 Forrest prom, Parker and Micah

2017-04-16 Cedar Grove Easter

2015-06-15 Lions Club, Clint's induction


2015-10-15 Taylor Patin, fall photos

2014-12-20 Ray & Angie's wedding

Christmas pics

Christmas pics

